SHORTLIST | Communication Arts Student Showcase 2021
STUDENT FINALIST | New York Festivals Advertising Awards 2021
Client: Apple
Copywriter: Jessica Mastorides
Since the start of the pandemic, there has been a significant rise in racist violence against Asian Americans in the U.S. However, many Asian Americans don’t feel comfortable self-reporting crimes against them and often lack the evidence to prove it. That’s why we created an Apple feature to help Asian Americans report harassment in an easily accessible way.
When leaving your house, your iPhone will prompt you to turn on PAL and start tracking your route.
If it detects any anti-Asian language or slurs, PAL will automatically and discreetly start recording audio. The audio evidence and location of the incident will be uploaded as a report to a secure database, instantly alerting the nearest police station and the organization Stop AAPI Hate.
Stop AAPI Hate will immediately send a representative to help the victim and, if needed, translate for them.
Finally, we’ll show the world the true scope of this crisis with our real time data that marks the location and time of these attacks on Apple Maps.